talk to me Aquasolis
talk to me
let your mist run up to my face
and I' ll melt from your pureness
I'll run through there red rocks
I wanna be sacrificed,
Sacrifice my self to you
till this spring run
I wanna blend with these millions curses and blesses.
till I ll become a blessing
Why still people throw gold and silver
we do not live by these
neither do they,
Dead they might be, with them
or without
Talk to me my dear and let me draw
the path where your liquids run next
run reight
warm blood
into my vain
You are the Goddess and
me the mournings
that came along the Spring
me the mournings
that came along the Spring
Όμορφη πόλη, στ' αλήθεια. Καλό σου βράδυ
ακόμα περισσότερο έχοντας υπόψην ότι βρίσκεται στην Aγγλια. Aσυνήθιστoς μου φανηκε ο αερας του Μπαθ. ερωτικα φθινοπορινα.
Να χεις ενα όμορφο βραδακι
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