Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Silence is complicity - Η σιωπή σου συνενοχή

In your ignorance you pay for this War...
Our milk and bread aids this slaughter.

in your bloody ignorance
you’ll murder more kids than yesterday.

sweet dreams my dearests.


Friday, 26 December 2008

Ποιός το ξέρει -Μάνος Λοίζος

Ποιός το ξέρει, ποιός το ξέρεί
πού γυρνάς τη νύχτα αυτή
Ποιος καημός και πιο νυχτέρι
σου ματώνουν τη ψυχή!
Σβήνουν τ΄άστρα ένα-ένα
κι όσα σου' χα ειπώμένα
γίναν δάκρυα παγωμένα,
γίνανε σιωπή.

Κρύβει η νύχτα το φεγγάρι
κι ούτε φώς κι ολυτε λυχνάρι
να μας βγάλει απ΄το ψέμα
κι από την ντρόπη.

Πόρτα ανοίγει, πόρτα κλέινει
και κανένα δε ρωτά:
τούτη η νύχτα πώς θα φύγει
δίχως φώς, χωρίς φωτιά;


φωτογραφίες με τον ξάδελφο μου Χαράλαμπο, που τράβηξα ψές(25/12/08).

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Ονειρεύτικα Χριστούγεννα, αλλιώτικα *

... σ'ένα ακρογιάλι..(μ'ενα τσαντίρι κάπου έκει για καβάτσα)

... λίγο αφού ο ήλιος έχει χαθεί..και ενώ το φεγγάρι είναι εμφανές στο βάθος

χαλούμια, παστουρμάδες, σούβλες, σιεφταλιές στα κάρβουνα

κι ένας ορίζοντας παραδομένος στις φλόγες του απογευματινού.

μυρωδιές μισοψημένων φαγητών σμίγουν
με την αλμύρα της θάλασσας,

ζέστη γύρω απο τη φωτιά ,
ο βρυχηθμός των κυμάτων μας καλεί με λαγνεία...

Είσαι για μια βουτιά?

...καθόμαστε στην άμμο και μιλάμε...όχι για δώρα, ρούχα και ότι τάχα κάνει μια τέτοια γιορτή χαρούμενη...

για μιά φορά όλα γύρω μας δεν μας σπρώχνουν σε τέτοιες συζητήσεις...

θα θελα να μιλάμε για άλλα...
Ίσως για τον άνθρωπο,
τον 'Aνθρωπο.
Πώς αυτός θα μπορούσε ν' ανέβει...
Ω! Ίσως να τολμούσαμε ν' αναλογιστούμε πως εμείς μπορούμε να γίνουμε καλύτεροι, πιο φωτισμένοι Άνθρωποι...

ίσως να ονειρεύομαι πολύ..ίσως να ζητάω πολλά...

ίσως όμως και τα υποτιθέμενα 'Merry Christmas' να χουνε ξεφύγει λίγο, λίγο πολύ...

24 και 25 Δεκεμβρίου του 8

ευχαριστώ το Δημήτρη:
για την παραχώρηση των υπέροχων φωτογραφιών!

*ονειρεύτικα, με αφορμή συνομιλία με τον 'παλαιό΄ Σάκη.
I dreamt of a different kind of Chirstmas...(soon to be translated in English ;p)

Monday, 8 December 2008


i am walking back home... thinking of the troubles that I' be been into these last three months...
all these troubles which seem to me so pointless and almost shameful today
they did not seem bad when they were taking place...not bad at all I tell u!

but now i am moving
am trying to think and see!
see beyond what I can see

my soul was not there
maybe my body..maybe my mind

but I dont think my soul was there


I should report that: I've got a MISSING ...SOUL!

K (without K)
foto: Katerina (definately without K)

Monday, 17 November 2008


The night splintered into stars
watching me dazzled
the air hurls hate
its face embellished with music.

We will go soon

Secret dream
ancestor of my smile
the world is emaciated
and there is a lock but no keys
and there is terror but not tears.

What will I do with myself?

Because to You I owe what I am

But I have no tomorrow

Because to You I...

The night suffers.

- Alejandra Pizarnik

photo by Marieta Fuertes

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


stop And experience

Took this picture

on my first (and only)night at Bath, after watching the amazing comedy walk 'Bizarre Bath'. The continuous raining during the 'bizarre'
walking tour around the city's historical attractions didn't put me off. after a drink at the Huntsman Inn I decided to head back to Edgar townhouse.

Walking rapidly into the pouring rain
feeling almost displeased with my wet feet
the only think I anticipated for was to reach my warm room.

I get this sometimes...keep my self busy with what I want to do next.
instead of keeping my senses and mind open to the present experiences.

that night it didn't take me long to get back my mind-fullness.
Bath, is a kind of place in which u can escape from many,
but not so easy to escape from present.

River Avon was singing furiously by me
turn towards it and this was revealed

the rain was so skillfully lighted up...

a surprice last-good-view over the Roman Baths eαrlier on
ladies toilet window! (Really!!)


Lee in Devon

Lee C , a very interesting person and a great new photographer
Here are some of the photos he took:

Monday, 3 November 2008

Aquasolis and Bath

talk to me Aquasolis
talk to me
let your mist run up to my face
and I' ll melt from your pureness
I'll run through there red rocks
I wanna be sacrificed,
Sacrifice my self to you
till this spring run
I wanna blend with these millions curses and blesses.

till I ll become a blessing
Why still people throw gold and silver
we do not live by these
neither do they,
Dead they might be, with them
or without

Talk to me my dear and let me draw
the path where your liquids run next

run reight
warm blood
into my vain

You are the Goddess and
me the mournings
that came along the Spring


Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Σύγχρονη Ανατολή- Παύλος Ξιούτας

Γιομίσαμε τις σκοτεινές
αποθήκες, κατω απ’ τη συνείδηση μας,
με απωθημένες επιθυμίες.
Μη αυτό...Μη εκείνο…αχ!ετούτο.
Γίναμε νευρωτικοί ασκητές
χωρίς καν να νιώθουμε κοντα μας
την παρουσία του Θεού.
Επιθετικοί τύποι,
ενώ λαχταρούμε το ξέσπασμα
αγγαλιαζουμε τη μελαγχωλία
και τη μόνωση
και σχεδιαζουμε τις πιο απίθανες
εικόνες, για τον εαυτό μας.
Ο αυτοέλεγχος δεν μας πυρώνει
την περηφανια
και η αρνησή μας
κουρελιαζεται απο τους πόθους,
που μας προβαλλει το ασυνείδητο.
Αχ! Θεέ μου, πως θα πεθανουμε έτσι,
μ’αυτή τη θλιβερή συνοδεία
των δεσμωτών της θελήσεως
και της ευτυχίας μας;


Ασυνήθιστη αγαπη - Παύλος Ξιούτας

Ασυνήθιστη αγάπη
αγαπω τον ανθρωπο
και τον φοβαμαι.
Σε λατρεύω
και τρέμω
μήπως αρχισεις
το μέτρημα του χρόνου
και δεν καταδεχτείς
τα άχραντά μου.
Δεν θέλω τον οίκτο σου.
Λαχταρώ την ανάσταση
της ψυχής μου.
Τα δώρα μου για σένα
είναι ασυνήθιστα
για τα κοινά μέτρα
των ανθρώπων,
γιατί αυτοί μετρανε
τον έρωτα,
με την άδεια κλεδψύδρα
του χρόνου,
κι όχι με την αδάμαστη
αθανασία της ψυχής.

Παύλος Ξιούτας

Saturday, 25 October 2008

recording 5

γι’ ατέλιωτες θαλασσες -----for endless seas
χανόμασταν ------------we were losing ourselves
σαν μεθυσμένοι γλαροι --------like drunk seagulls
βουτώντας στη πυρα ---------diving into the fires
μιας πορφυρής σελήνης.---------of a bloodshed
------------------------------------ moon.

21 οκτ.08

a Photograph of an ecstatic sunrise in Cyprus, Paralimni (July 2008).
The first words that managed to come up: Rising with the SunRise

Plymouth ου μ’ εθέσπισεν- in Plymouth where my fαte dropped me.

Open up this window
and welcome his fresh warm fingers
the boiling running blood,
through Aeolos* hands
bright around your neck
your ears
and get lost
in your seaweed hair!
a lemon-fire leaf
surrenders in his arms.
How beautifully rests
the wet precious

25 Oct 08

*Aeolos:the Greek God of wind and air

Wrote this poem at a Poetry workshop run by an amazing acclaimed performance poet
Kat Francois (to who I am grateful for reminding me to use my rich Greek background)
at the Barbican Theater in Plymouth.

more information about Kat Francois:

for my sister- friend Marietta

love you
with more melodious stomp colors
for what you taught me
without being aware.
For what I ‘ve learned
without acknowledging.
Now the sea breeze
fresher than ever
runs and whispers
sings and dances
alongside a rhythm
we have never met before!
no need for names
Lets dive in 'amora'
and then we‘ ll count
how much mystery
can we drink.

25 Oct 8

here is a spontaneous recording we did :

Friday, 24 October 2008

the first real artist i' ve ever met ! how charming!

Ειν’ όμορφη η μέρα

παρόλα τα σκόρπια συννεφακια...
γλαροι περνούν που και που
ακριβώς μποστα μου...
Στο βαθος πολλύ πρασινο
σε χιλιαδες
εκεί στο κεντρικό πaρκο του Πλυμουθ.

Οι δρόμοι,
φαινονται ακομa
απ΄το κλαμα
που ποτέ
δεν ακούω τα βραδια,

ή... δεν θυμαμαι σαν ξ-ημερώσει
ίσως παλι
να’ ναι
καποιου πρωινού

ποιός ξέρει...

24 oKTWMBPH 2008

Monday, 20 October 2008

let it come with the day
we' ll drift away
riding the ethereal sheets
among the sea of our sorrows

6 Oct

photo by Katerina
at Cornwall

Saturday, 18 October 2008


Dies slowly anyone who becomes a slave of his habits, following every day the same journey, who does not change the way he walks or does not take any risks and does no change the color of his clothes, the one who does not speak to someone that he doesn’t know/
Dies slowly…
The one who avoid the passion, the one who prefers black instead of white and the distinction marks at ‘i’ instead of a group of touching words that give a glow to the eyes, that turn a yawning into a smile, that make the heart beat at the fault and at the feelings.

Dies slowly anyone who does not turn the table up side down, the one who is not happy from his job, the one who does not risk security for the insecurity in order to hunt a dream, the one who does not allow himself at least for once to avoid following well-given advices.

Dies slowly the one who does not travel, who does not read ,listen to music nor find peace in him heart.

Dies slowly anyone who destroys his love, who does not allow to be helped by others. Who spends his time complaining for him luck or for the non-stop raining.

Dies slowly the one who abandons an idea before even stating it or the one who does not ask for what he does not know.

We avoid death in small doses, when we remember that being alive needs much more attempt from the simple fact of breathing.

Friday, 17 October 2008

nature whispers through photos

let thee
flow with the wind
till the eyes will be shattered
through his blinded eyes he will touch
the million colors of the sky!

8 Oct 08

a photo of Yvan Rytz

...this picture screamed over me a full-star sky of words

your hair
as if a spider's well-crafted web
Sucking out a hurricane of not-said farewells
live it for an eternity
till no breath will dare to dive
and you 'll forget
the reason your stand
where u are.

17 Oct 08

photo by Georgia Karaoli

Saturday, 27 September 2008

μέσα στην αστραπή

είδα το φώς
που μου καψε το βλέμα
αλλα σαν στέγνωσε το αίμα
ήξερα πως το' χα δεί
έστω και λίγο

τι να την κανω την αλήθεια
αμα δεν είναι όπως την είχα ονειρευτεί
τ' όνειρο ζητώ να' μαι' γώ
ο δρόμος που πορεύομαι
όσο και τ' όνειρο
θολός, ρομαντικός
αλλα φωτεινός μέσα στην συννεφια του

κι αφου καπου στο δρόμο οι δυό τους χώρισαν
εγώ παω με τ' όνειρο
'θα ξαναρθείς μόλις νυκτώσει
και τ'όνειρο παλι την αληθεια θα σώσει'

εκεί ειν' το φώς
κι εκεί η αλήθεια μου.


photo by Katerina Kyriacou

Friday, 26 September 2008

grafw ayto pou mou'pes

gia na minei:

gia n'allaksi kaneis den xriazete thelisi.

ayto pou xriazete ine agapi
polli agapi
para polli agapi gia ton eyato tou
isws ipervoliki agapi!!!

megala logia!
polli to fws!
kαi αpo pio vrαxo
nα piαstw nα proxwrisw?


swkratis malamas - tis siwpis

mathe ti glwssa tis siwpis
ki istera ela na mou peis
pws klinete
to s'agapw
pws vgazei i erimos karpous...

allazoun dromoi kαi morfes ,
oi epoxes allazoun
ki oi apomixaneis theoi anixana koitazoun
asto parathiro anikto s'oles tis katαigides
tha deis sto fws mias astrapis osa pote den eides!

malanas - to gramma

...thelw na rtheis kai na me vreis na ksatsis na ta vroume
pws niwthoume parafora
pws zoume etsi adiafora,...
xwris ayti ti skoteinia ta xronia menoun adeia

thelw na figeis na swtheis
na papseis na gkriniazeis
na ksexastesis sti diadromi
poios isoun kai pws moiazeis

...etsi tha s agapw poli kai tha se vlepw ligo
san mia ginaika makrini pou agapisa prin figw...

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Lidakis- keravnos & mia diki mou antapokrisi

Pws lathepsa ton anemo ton peira gia galini
kai ta sxinia mou elisa na figw gia taxidi.

kai san ksaniktika lipon
ftera ixan ta koupia mou
o keravnos ksestrtise ki ekapse tin kardia mou.
kai prin prolavw na xarw, i trikimia m'ezwse
efiges me tin astrapi kai to taxidi teliwse
kai san ksanixtika lipon
ftera ixan ta koupia mou

o keravnos ksestratise ki ekapse tin kardia mou

Pote prolavame na ta doume ol' ayta
eithe pote min katalathw
Les ki oi theoi thimwsane
pou' xame to thrasos na doume tosa
kai na erwteytoume
ena louloudi toso parafora

mas edise ta matia i Pafia thea me porfiro mantili
ki emeis deila deila akolouthisame
perpatisame mesa s'apomera monopatia
akousame thiria na vrixontai
potamia na psithirizoune katw apo polivoua fillovola
pisw ap to porfiro mantili
idame osa den fenonte
. . .
akousame tis fwties prwtognwres na ourliazoun melodika…

ma otan anevikame
elithike to fws mesa mas
ki ekapse tin matia mas

den iperxan pollα
para mono dio erwtevmena fantasmata pou xorevan pia makria mas

thimasai ta 'dio fantasmata pou agapisan poli ayto ton kosmo kai den theloun na ton afisoun' ?

pou nα'nαi twrα ...?

Συν-χώρα με

Sigxwra me
pou ola allazoun toso grigora
ki egw olo kai kapou ksexniemai
xazevontas tis ekrikseis stwn aitherwn t' arwmata.

Forgive me
for when everything moves so fast
I found my self in moments where
I just stare at the ethereal explosions of aroma.

25 Sept 08
photos by Katerina Kyriacou

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Troodos mountain. Walking by the river of Kalidoniwn.

after nowhere

got back home
and this ''Butterfly' song still buzzes into my head
why i chose to listen to it , still haven't figure it out. . .
... a smell that you cannot sense any more
bewildered...you only can remember how it used to be

oh, the odour grasps me from the neck
and drives the soul into my throat
where the traces of this smell lay

...a smell that you cannot sense any more
its already part of your skin
and in a while part of your inner

once upon a time
it used to keep you warm
now out in the cold autumn
is not by you any more
you dont feel the difference with the remains
the odour its all over from now on

Miltiadis Pasxalidis- akoma s' agapw

Twra pou grigora niktwnei san paramithi tha sto pw
oti agapas den teliwnei ki egw akoma s'agapw
oti agapas den teliwnei ki egw akoma s'agapw
twra pu grigora vradiazei san paramithi tha sto pw

oti thimasai den vouliazi
min me ksexnas pu s agapw
oti thimasai den vouliazei
min me ksexnas pu s agapw

einai polla pou dne ta kseris
ki ithela toso na sta pw
omws den thelw na ipofereis
giati akoma s agapw

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Stoivi Apo TEFRa in’ to kormi mou

kai I psixi girnofernei

se rhmagmenoys dromous

tis diplanis geitonias

maxairia na valw sto travma

na min trexei allo pia

oso t afinw xaNoymai

kai pligomai

aimata tou rodou

Monday, 2 June 2008